Tag: topping

22 Oct

Giants love jimmies, too.

I've never liked sugar as a topping, not even confectioners' sugar. But I do like candy, especially jimmies! Out here in Los Angeles they call them sprinkles. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500" caption=""Uh oh, we're out of jimmies. (Or sprinkles, for you weird people.)" ©D. Barstow 2012"]giant with hot fundge sunday and sprinkles[/caption] I like them especially on ice cream, but on a sugar cookie or other interesting place they're also good. I prefer all chocolate. Here's a whole forum on jimmies, in Boston, and Boston does know its ice cream. (favorite flavor in Boston? Coffee.)

Someone at school told me that jimmies is actually a ra-cial slur related to the Jim Crow laws ('course, she was from Jersey)...anyone else heard this?
I hope not! I never heard that before. More comments ideas, below.
Yeah, I've heard that they're sprinkles if they're multi-colored, and jimmies if they're chocolate, because it was slang for Jim Crow. And even if it's not true, enough people around think it's true, so I call them all sprinkles.
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