Ice Cream on the Couch

17 Mar

Ice Cream on the Couch

woman on psychiatrist couch tells psychiatrist she thinks about ice cream a lot
woman on psychiatrist couch tells psychiatrist she thinks about ice cream a lot

Let’s get this party started. WordPress updated, cartoon ready, posts lined up. My plan is to post 3 days a week, and the chocolate cartoon will be on Friday.  Friday is for relaxing and fun and looking forward to sweet things.

I’ve been doing cartoons for Psychology Today for several years now. However, I’ve only done maybe one or 2 cartoons in Psychology Today with the traditional patient-on-the-couch theme.  This might be because I saw an exhibit of New Yorker psychiatrist cartoons at the Skirball a few years ago, and was so appalled by how boring it was! Every single cartoon drawing was a therapist (almost all men) with a patient on the couch, and such predictable gags – that I deliberately eschew this scene most of the time. If there’s no surprise, it’s not funny. But I always liked this one, with a call back to ice cream. In my Psych Today blog I call it mindful eating!

(Book of the New Yorker Psychiatrist boring cartoons seems to be impossible to find – this book might be it.)

Maybe I share this patient’s obsession with words,  language, and certainly with ice cream? I need help!

Caption: “Did you ever notice that inner child and ice cream have the same initials? Well, I did.”

ByDonna L. Barstow

Cartoonist and lover of everything chocolate related, in no particular order.

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