UPDATED New popcorn from Trader Joe’s! Trader Joe’s Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil. Well, new to me, and that’s what counts. I’ve been wanting to try popcorn made with…
Of course the ice cream store with 42 flavors is based on Baskin-Robbins, with their 31 flavors. (Less, if you are unfortunate enough to live near one of their smaller stores, where they don’t have as many bins or selections. 🙁 ) Honestly, I sometimes pick restaurants based on whether they have a big menu. Choices are important when it comes to desserts!
I never heard of Baskin-Robbins until I went to college in a small town, and they had one there. My local friends were ga-ga over it, and I vividly remember the first flavors I tried: pumpkin pie, and chocolate chip, still favorites!
They’re owned by Dunkin Donuts now, I think. Bad move, because the Baskin-Robbins near me, Burbank, (which was the headquarters Baskin-Robbins for the whole country before Dunkin’ Donuts took over) is now owned by a surly unfriendly guy, and I haven’t gone back in over a year.