Last updated on December 21, 2019
Safeway Select Iced Mocha Latte Review
Cold drinks taste better in glass. Does anyone else remember when coke and other sodas (pop, soft drinks) came in bottles? I don’t like anything carbonated except champagne, so I was envious of friends who got to hold those cold Coke bottles and look cool at parties!
My favorite drink at Starbucks
I’m a Starbucks fan in their stores, and my drink of choice is Starbucks Frappuccino. (I know. A frappuccino is really a milkshake, not coffee. So sue me.)
However, the coffee drinks I have at home in the fridge are the Starbucks watered down Frappuccinos you find in grocery stores. Or, nowadays, even in Amazon. No, they’re not “chocolatey”, as Starbucks claims, and nothing like the frothy icy creamy fresh Frappuccinos in-store, but they are cold and refreshing in the morning. The first sip is a celebration, the second is pretty darn good.
Safeway Select Iced Mocha Latte in bottles
The heartless capitalist b-word in me is always pleased to see competition, even against my favorite brands, so when I spied a 6-pack of Safeway Select Iced Mocha Latte bottles right next to the Starbucks ones at Vons, at a lower price, I grabbed it. Bottled coffee fight in Aisle 16!
Safeway describes this Latte as a “creamy blend of premium coffee and milk.” I describe it as a huge faux pas. When you run against the bulls, you gotta be your best! This is good marketing… to get customers to run back to Starbucks, that is.
Now, I want to be fair — I’m not a coffee nut. So maybe a latte is supposed to be different from a Frappuccino. But they’re both in little bottles and say mocha, so what’s a girl to think? The Safeway Latte is too thin, bitter, boring. I would have returned them, but what a pain to carry all those bottles back to the store!
The classics are classic for a reason. Starbucks Frappuccinos wins.
Last Bite
Starbucks Frappuccinos in the grocery for the win. Available in any store in the world, I suppose, but if you want it delivered to your door, there’s Amazon, all flavors. Updated: looks like Safeway gave up the fight. They no longer make bottled coffee. Discontinued.
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