Haagen Dazs Fleur de Sel Caramel Reserve Ice Cream review I found Haagen Dazs Reserve with Salty Caramel ice cream on sale at Gelson’s for $4. (I buy pints…
Chocolate Cartoons Posts
Depends on their mood, I think. I’ve bought Whole Foods‘ Chocolate Cream Pie a couple of times, but the crust could be better. In fact, all pies would be better if they made them with butter instead of lard or shortening (this is a Barstow fact). Crusts made from graham crackers or cookies are also yummy, and not just for home ec, people! (This pie is made in house, in the Whole Foods Bakery, so it’s not like they don’t have a choice.)
Up until a few years ago, every store-bought pie had a crust made with shortening, of course. So I ate pumpkin pie or cream pie without the crust, in silent protest. For the last few years bakeries use a butter crust from time to time, and so pies have become more appealing to me!
I found this Life Chocolate Oat Crunch cereal, by Quaker Oats, in one of my favorite stores….the 99 Cents Store! Okay, the lineup of boxes in the window looks 20 years old and yucky, but inside, their produce is acceptable, and I’ve gotten some interesting food there, so I took a chance the cereal would be good, too. I’ve never tried Life cereal before – looks too much like Shredded Wheat, which I don’t like. But doesn’t the chocolate font of Life look scrumptious?
The cereal was fresh. But the taste? Just, no thanks. The cereal part is OKAY, I guess, but who’re we kidding; only the chocolate counts and it is the teeniest little morsels of chocolate that look like dirt – or something. Yet I still kept eating it til the end because the box is just so purty and chocolate-y… I’m a chocolate dork! And this just goes to show you, like my sign painter teacher at Art Center used to say: “Choose what to buy based on design.” The box reeled me in.