Last updated on March 9, 2023
Haagen-Dazs Peanut Butter Pie Ice Cream Review
New Limited Edition ice cream; Haagen-Dazs: Peanut Butter Pie Ice Cream!
Haagen-Dazs describes this as a favorite family recipe (whose family makes this pie?) with ribbons of peanut butter and chocolate cookie pieces (crust) folded into a base of peanut butter ice cream. Yes, that’s double peanut butter for ya. No wonder my breath smells like peanut butter after a round of it!
I don’t like real peanut butter, or peanuts, but I love peanut butter as an ingredient (cookies), so I was looking forward to this.
Peanut Butter and Chocolate Marriage
To make a good mouthful, however, you have to marry the chocolate and peanut butter, so that the sweeter chocolate plays off the more acrid peanut taste. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are the obvious successful example, but I’ve had other pies and ice creams equally as good.
This is not one of them.
The little dark pieces are a good texture, but there’s no way to taste it, and I didn’t realize it was supposed to be chocolate! I don’t think it qualifies as a “crust”. It’s fighting the double punch of peanut butter ice cream as the main flavor, and also a dense ribbon, kind of sticky, throughout.

Peanut butter is an overpowering taste. So, where’s the chocolate cookies? Simply put, it needs more chocolate, or a much stronger chocolate. Maybe a chocolate ribbon to match the peanut butter one?!
Leaving out the sad lack of chocolate, however, it’s still a good peanut butter ice cream, especially for those of us who don’t like the stuff in a jar. I think it’s one of their best flavors in years.
Just not as good as it should be.
What others are saying about Haagen Dazs Peanut Butter Pie Ice Cream- discontinued
The Ice Cream Informant gives it an A. She says it needs to be improved, but not how!, and says it ranks higher than any other H-D flavor with her. On Second Scoop likes it a lot, too. Munchies of... is perhaps the most excited of them all, but gives it a B because he “likes mint better.” 🙂
And I found a youtube review of it!
Where to buy
Limited edition, so if you missed it, tough cookie. Amazon does have 77 other flavors of Haagen-Dazs, though, including Chocolate Peanut Butter.
Last Bite
2 stars. Discontinued. I think they should have given it another try!
About the Cartoon
The cartoon is from my weekly restaurant cartoon series, Daily Special, in several papers. It’s also in my book of chocolate cartoons: What Do Women Really Want? Chocolate!
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