Ooh, sweet… a bonbon blog!
I’m a cartoonist, an eater of rich desserts, and Chocolate Cartoons author.
The chocolate came first. Cartoon ideas were the lucky side effects.
I’ve been doing food and restaurant cartoons for over 15 years for big and alternate newspapers, including the LA Times, and I never run out of ideas. Isn’t eating out exciting? More about where I’ve been published.
Here’s what happened when I dipped my pen into a fountain of chocolate…
As I said, the gourmet chocolate came first. (And it wasn’t always hand crafted artisan chocolates, either.) 🙂
So, since tasty snacks are on my mind a lot…I wrote and drew cartoons starring chocolate — before anyone else in the country. Just a little background: when I started to include these dark dessert cartoons in my sketch batches to editors, 20 years ago, no one else was doing them. It was quite daring, and I knew I had little chance of selling them, since most editors were men, and chocolate seems to be more of a feminine interest. (Sexist, or…true?)
Also, male editors bought almost all cartoons from male cartoonists. (And they still do!) But I felt like chocolate and food was the right niche for me. The heart wants what the heart wants. Some forward-thinking editors started to buy them, and I was on my way.
I put together a proposal for Barnes & Noble that *had* to include chocolate: What Do Women REALLY Want? Cats, Chocolate, Shoes and Love! (Yup, threw some cats in there!) And of course, the logical progression: What do Women REALLY Want? Chocolate! It may amuse you to read the hate reviews there; that’s what happens when you do political cartoons.
More about The Darkest Art blog
I especially love doing cartoons about the best part of the meal – desserts. But for a long time, I’ve also been making notes and taking names. I review everything that comes into my mouth, epicurean, or junk food, doesn’t matter.
Occasionally I get fooled by seductive names on a product, or delicious photos, and buy something a second time that I really didn’t like so much the first time. (So many ice creams have similar names!) This blog will help me not make THAT mistake again.
And when I find something really great, even if the store no longer carries it (I’m lookin’ at YOU, Trader Joe’s), even more reason to talk about it!
So here are my yays and nays on various products, to help you out on your own gastronomy journey.
If I don’t have an appropriate cartoon, and my camera isn’t in reach, I’ll share illustrations here from vintage cookbooks I’ve collected. It’s all good.
Chocolate Cartoons for Sale
If you want to buy any of the cartoons here, subscribe to a regular food feature, or commission any illustrations on special topics, I’d love to do some great work for you.

And if you have any new dishes coming out, and want a candid review…hit me up. Please contact me below.
Contact me, quick!
All cartoons, illustrations, photos and content are copyrighted by me, and cannot be used without advance permission.
Hey, cartoonists get lonely, too. Write to me below. I answer all email, so if I don’t respond in a reasonable time, do something drastic! Or try chocolate cartoons at (@) gmail.com (squish it).
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