Tag: best

30 Aug

Best ice cream of 2010.

I first reviewed this in my cartoon blog in my Donna Does Desserts category, but it's still true!! I warn you, this is very pricey, at an outrageous $4.99 a pint! (on sale at Gelson's which is the only store that has it that I know of.) Normal people shouldn't have to pay this much. But I decided to splurge one evening last year, and now that I know it's the best, I keep watching for sales. Greek Gods Honey Pomegranate Pagoto Ice Krema. Greek Gods says:

In the 4th century BC, it was well known that a favorite treat of Alexander the Great was snow ice mixed with honey and nectar.
Okay...well-known??? How much Greek and Latin are we supposed to know? [caption id="attachment_5149" align="alignright" width="300"]pomegranate ice cream Pomegranate ice cream, if you want to MAKE it...from a beautiful mess[/caption] Pomegranate juice is a well-known antioxidant, however. I don't think everyone knows how great honey is, though; it was used to cover wounds in the battlefield during WW 1, before antibiotics were invented. I myself remember clearly that when I was 8, I was so sick, lying on the couch while the grownups played cards, and my grandmother's friends made me honey toast. I wasn't even hungry, but I ate it and got well within the hour. Really. (I collect honey cookbooks and booklets, but I think it's hard to bake with - it doesn't have the same binding qualities as sugar, or some technical cooking thingie.) Read More